Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Blog # 15

Mom, dad, buy the broccoli

  In " mom, dad, buy the broccoli" companies are being forced to change the way they sell or promote junk foods for kids under 12 years of age. The reason these companies want to change their advertising is because companies are beginning  to notice that obesity and diabetes in kids is becoming a serious issue. A group called food and beverage advertising initiative was hired to help 10 companies change the way they advertise their products , but Mr Michael Jacobson, executive director for center for science in the public interest calls this effort "pretty pathetic." I agree with Mr Jacobson, because all these companies all they want to do is find a better way to sell their products without being policed by the government.

  Companies like Mcdonals, Coca cola, Hersheys, are beginning to change the way they advertise their products because they have seen that people are starting to blame them and are starting to complain about the increase of diabetes and obesity in kids under 12. this is the reason companies like Mcdonals are introducing salads or kids meals that contain apples or carrots instead of French fries. A company like coca cola or Pepsi are aware that their drinks are very sweet and contain "a lot of calories", that is the reason they have introduced to us "coke 0 calories" to make us believe that they care about the customer, but in reality all they care about is their profits, this is why food and beverage advertising interactive was hired to help them change the way they "sell or promote" their products to the customer.

  In my experience deal with "junk foods"  when i was younger this used to be a serious problem for me and one on my friends, when my friend Edwin and my self were younger we used to eat lots of candy, we used to go to Mcdonals almost everyday, It was "paradise." we used to buy the "big Mac" with fries and a large soda once we were done with our "great meal" we will go to the store and buy candy bars or any "kind of sweets" , although we were very thin, we didn't realize that by eating all this "junk" we were doing a lot of harm to our bodies. My mom took me to the doctor for a check up and that is when I found out that my sugar and cholesterol level was very high. I was told to stop eating "junk foods" and start eating "healthier foods" if I didn't want to develop diabetes.

  Junk foods in my opinion are very dangerous. Parents and the government should be more aware of what all these companies are selling to kids, parents should start asking their kids how they spend their allowance, the government should start to fine companies that do not want to help reduce obesity and diabetes in young kids. General Mills and other companies, should know that hiring advertising companies is not enough, they should make better efforts. they should help stop all these "diabetes" and stop making "pathetic efforts."

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