Tuesday, May 1, 2012

blog # 13

                                                             “Bottled water is safer than tap water”

It’s believed that “bottled water is safer than tap water” because people think that it comes from a special island or factory, but what people don’t realize is that tap water its the safes because is regulated by the EPA and FDA. In my opinion I disagree with this myth because what companies are trying to do is make us “scare” by saying that drinking tap water is going to make us sick and carries germs . 

There is a big completion out there, companies like Fiji or Poland spring are trying to makes us believe that tap water is not “safe to drink.” In my experience from drinking tap water I have never gotten sick or had any issues. Every time I go to the gym I drink "tap water", I drink it all the time when I’m having dinner or when I’m at work or a restaurant, even Michael Bloombeg the mayor of New York city has said it many times “tap water is safe to drink” because is tested regularly and is “affordable” in order words is “free”.  Why not listen to a man that has made billions of dollar, plus he is running one of the best cities in the United states.

To help debunk this myth further I can try to encourage friend and family to stop buying bottle water and drink more tap water.  I can also show them the video “the story of the bottled water”  to see if they can stop supporting this water companies and maybe safe money and more importantly safe the environment.

1 comment:

  1. Solid response and an easy way to debunk the myth further! :-)
