Monday, April 23, 2012

Blog #10

                                                Imitation of film: Here’s smoking at you kid
 In a study done by Dr. James D. Sargent, he explains that children ages 10 to 14 are more likely to smoke. The reason is because kids that age are more likely to follow and do stuff that adults do, specially when parents are letting their kids watch "R-rated movies." This movies can encourage kids to smoke. I agree with Mr. Sargent because at that age all kids want to do is “look cool” in front of their friends or as they say " monkey see monkey do".
 In nationwide survey according to the pediatrics report. Thirty eight percent of children who begin to smoke between the ages of ten to fourteen years of age, have seen many R-rated movies. In my opinion thirty eight percent is a very high number and if a movie is encouraging kids to smoke. This means that kids can easy be influenced to have sex and do drugs at an early age. This is a very serious issue, if not corrected it can have a serious effect towards their future,
 Parents should get more involved with what teenagers watch or whom they let their kids hanging out with, because if not it can lead to what happened to my friend Edwin. When my friend Edwin was thirteen years old, he was influenced by stuff that he was watching. A lot of it was "R-rated movies", he was  so influenced by the movie "Scarface" and specially the character played by Al Pacino, "Tony Montana". All  my friend wanted to do is talk and walk like "Tony Montana." at some point he started to wear similar clothes as Tony Montana. As time went by he began to smoke , drink and he stared to have sex at the age of fifteen, he was getting into a lot of trouble. Suddenly one day he came to ask me for advise because he told me that a "gang member" wanted to fight with him, but Edwin didn't understand why? so I told him that the rumor in school was that he was acting like this "big gangster" and that people didn't like the way he was acting and that this gang member wanted to teach him a good lesson to see how is more "gangster." after we finished the conversation he understood that trying to do stuff that he saw in a movie or become someone he wasn't was going to bring him problems, he told me all he wanted to do is look "cool" and be "accepted" by older people.
  “association should be taken very seriously.” Parents need to get involved in the in the life of their children, specially between the ages 10 to 14 years of age. If not taken very seriously it can have a very negative impact in their life. To avoid this problem Parents should reconsider what their kids are watching, specially when it comes watching an R-rated movies.

1 comment:

  1. Not bad. You should, however, try to avoid "floating" quotes such as the one you have in your last paragraph--WHO says the "the association should be taken very seriously"?
