Saturday, April 28, 2012

Blog # 11

The Meatrix

In the Meatrix Moopheus ask leo if he knows about the Meatrix. Leo responds that he doesn’t. Moopheus offers Leo a blue pill or red pill. Leo takes the red pill, after he takes it, he starts to find out how other animals are being treated in other farms. Moopheus shows Leo how corporations are taking over by creating pollution and destroying communities and most importantly it shows him about how animals are being treated. Leo asked him how to stop all this animal cruelty , so Moopheurs responded by not supporting this factories.

The Meatrix: Revolting

In the meatrix Revolting moopheus congratulates Leo because he sees that people are buying more organic products, but warns him that more needs to be done. Once in the factories Leo goes on to find out that cows and chickens are living in very unhealthy conditions. Moopheus tells Leo and chickity, that farms are not what they used to be. Now "machines milk the cows" and Very often the animals are sick despite daily use of "antibiotics" and also mentions that many diseases can be spread like "mad cow disease" and factories are "over using antibiotics and artificial hormones" and tells us that in order to help the meatrix we should support small family factories.

The Meatrix 2 1/2 
In the Meatrix 2 1/2 the agent tell Moopheus that the factory process 5000 cows per day to be able to feed the fast food nation, then later Moopheus tells the agent that the factory has very dangerous working conditions, workers are getting injured and that there is manure in the meat. The agent responds "profit is the name of the game" and that the workers are "expandable". The main point in this movies is that companies don't really care about the conditions of animals or employees, all they care about is "profit."

Monday, April 23, 2012

Blog #10

                                                Imitation of film: Here’s smoking at you kid
 In a study done by Dr. James D. Sargent, he explains that children ages 10 to 14 are more likely to smoke. The reason is because kids that age are more likely to follow and do stuff that adults do, specially when parents are letting their kids watch "R-rated movies." This movies can encourage kids to smoke. I agree with Mr. Sargent because at that age all kids want to do is “look cool” in front of their friends or as they say " monkey see monkey do".
 In nationwide survey according to the pediatrics report. Thirty eight percent of children who begin to smoke between the ages of ten to fourteen years of age, have seen many R-rated movies. In my opinion thirty eight percent is a very high number and if a movie is encouraging kids to smoke. This means that kids can easy be influenced to have sex and do drugs at an early age. This is a very serious issue, if not corrected it can have a serious effect towards their future,
 Parents should get more involved with what teenagers watch or whom they let their kids hanging out with, because if not it can lead to what happened to my friend Edwin. When my friend Edwin was thirteen years old, he was influenced by stuff that he was watching. A lot of it was "R-rated movies", he was  so influenced by the movie "Scarface" and specially the character played by Al Pacino, "Tony Montana". All  my friend wanted to do is talk and walk like "Tony Montana." at some point he started to wear similar clothes as Tony Montana. As time went by he began to smoke , drink and he stared to have sex at the age of fifteen, he was getting into a lot of trouble. Suddenly one day he came to ask me for advise because he told me that a "gang member" wanted to fight with him, but Edwin didn't understand why? so I told him that the rumor in school was that he was acting like this "big gangster" and that people didn't like the way he was acting and that this gang member wanted to teach him a good lesson to see how is more "gangster." after we finished the conversation he understood that trying to do stuff that he saw in a movie or become someone he wasn't was going to bring him problems, he told me all he wanted to do is look "cool" and be "accepted" by older people.
  “association should be taken very seriously.” Parents need to get involved in the in the life of their children, specially between the ages 10 to 14 years of age. If not taken very seriously it can have a very negative impact in their life. To avoid this problem Parents should reconsider what their kids are watching, specially when it comes watching an R-rated movies.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

blog 9

Does knowledge make you happier?
The benefits of learning new things in my life is that when a new challenge comes around it will be easy to solve it. I can agree with Cornell and Malcolmson’s article because Learning new things means that you have to put time and a big effort to be able to understand and fix a problem. In the Matrix Neo wanted to learn if he is the “one” so what he did is learn all the things that Morpheus wanted to teach him. One of them was to be able to free his mind to be able to do and learn all the other obstacles that he was going to face. Many times putting the time and effort is very difficult because not  everyone want to go to a classroom and read and do all the homework that needs to be done in order to learn. just like fixing a car, In order to be able to fix a car I will have to go to school and learn all there is to be learned about the engine, transmission and all the other parts about a car, without the knowledge it will be very difficult to fixed it. 

The downsides and pains of new knowledge is that wanting to learn how to fix a car, wanting to learn how to fix a computer or wanting to find out if someone is truthful to a person could be painful. Sometimes when you learn something new then you realize that it is not something you wanted to learn or find out, and that can have a big impact in your life.  For example my friend thought that his girlfriend was cheating on him, what he did next is he went to a private investigator and ask him to find out all this information about his girlfriend. Once the investigator came back with all the pictures and all the information, my friend was very “hurt.” Before the investigator he was 90 percent sure that his girlfriend was having an affair but he chose to have proof and that’s when he had just realized that knowing the truth really hurts or it wasn’t worth it.

In the long run learning the truth is very important to me because it will open up my mind to accept it the way it comes at me. good news or bad news is always better to know .

Monday, April 16, 2012

blog # 8

Red pill or blue?
If I was asked to take between the red and the blue pill I would choose the red pill because I would like to find out if I’m mentally strong like Neo.
Neo took the red pill because he knew that something was wrong in his life and by taking the pill he wanted to discover what was behind it. Neo found out that he wasn’t an ordinary man, he was a fighter.  He was a person that was able to learn and discover the truth about who he was, no matter how good or bad it was. That will be the reason why I would like to take the red pill. By taking the red pill to me it will mean that I will have to find out if I have challenges that I'm not ready. Sometimes when we take risks at doing things that we don't know at times the result can be a very positive outcome.

Fate or free will?
I think Neo became the one by his actions. His fate made him believe in himself. He became very strong minded. he wanted to help his friends to battle the agents and he also wanted to learn things that he thought he wasn’t able to.
Everything was possible as long as he put his fate and mind into it. Having fate in myself helps me a lot because by having fate, it means that I the power and fate to accomplish all my obstacles .

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Blog # 7

In the article by Timothy Sexton "The Dangers of Reality of TV" he says that reality TV is sending the wrong message to people,I agree with Mr Sexton because i also think that Reality television has a big impact on people. It has changed many people around the world. Some are becoming rich and some are becoming poor, Instead of leaving in a "world of reality" people rather choose a "fantasy world" a world that is fake and full of lies.

In the article by Timothy sexto "The dangers of reality tv." He says that reality tv is sending the wrong message to the viewers by making us believe that the more people humiliate by acting stupid or in an ignorant way the more chances a person can have to become successful. The most dangerous message this shows are send to people who watch this shows is that education is not necessary. That's one of the reason why the television networks have created shows like survivor, jersey shore,the apprentice and many others. To make it easy for regular people to do stupid things and make fast money. In this cases "personality is more important then wisdom."

I can say that these shows influence people a lot. For example: one of my friends went and got a tattoo, got a haircut, just like the one that the situation from the show the jersey shore has. He was fascinated by this man. All my friend wanted to do is talk like him, dress like him, and mostly do everything that this man was doing in the show. When I told him that what he was doing is being a follower and not a leader, He got upset. all I was telling him is that if he wanted to pick up girls at the club or the bar, all he had to do is be himself, and to use his brain instead of doing all this crazy stuff that he was doing.

" Reality television " has become a huge success because the more viewers tune in to watch shows like "jersey shore" or "survivor" the more money the company will make from advertising companies. This is the main reason why they need people like "snooki" or have people eat bugs in "fear factor".
people that whatch this shows find it funny, interesting when a person in the show goes half naked and drunk into the ocean. That is one of the reasons why these Networks sing up this people for these shows, to have them look crazy and have them do stupid things and depending on the ratings from the show, make them "millionaires" without having to use theire brain or common sense or even worst without having to go to school.

Monday, April 2, 2012

The perfect world

Cristof creates what he considers a "perfect World" for truman to live "happily ever after"

1: How does Seahaven compare to your world in terms of family life, neighborhood life, work life, and leisure time?

Seahaven is more like a routine that Cristof has created for Truman. Is similar to the everyday life that I live.
Family life is the same routine everyday. Unless we have a situation where a family member is sick or something serious has happened, If that's the problem that my family member is facing then what we will do is take the person that is feeling ill to see a doctor to find out what is wrong. Apart from that if everything is fine then we just continue doing the same regular things that we do every single day like cook and clean.

Neighborhood life is similar. When I see my next door neighbor Edwin I will ask him how his doing or just say "hello how are you? then wish him to have a nice day, just like in the "the Truman show", when Truman tell his neighbors hello "In case that I don't see you ...good afternoon, good evening, and good night."

Work life is very similar I wake up at 5 in the morning everyday to shower and get ready to be at work at 7 in the morning to be ready to start my daily routine. Although I have different challenges everyday at work, but is pretty much the same routine.

Leisure time at times is different because I like doing things to enjoy my self when I'm not working. like going to the movies or going out to dinner with friends and family. Or Sometimes stay home and relax.

2: Would you choose to live in Cristof's world. why or why not?

I wouldn't like to live in Cristof's world because is a world full of lies. It is all made up. If I wanted to live under Cristof's world, it will mean that I will have to live under his rules, controlled by what he thinks is right and wrong for me. Just like the movie "the Truman show."
choosing to live in Cristof's world means that I won't have any rights to choose to become a doctor, a lawyer or become a parent. Nothing will be possible unless it is accepted by Cristof's.

Being able to decide on my own is a better option because it means that I'm going to be able to live and learn from my mistakes. If I make a Good or bad choice then it will be up to me! not Cristof's.